Siste nytt
På banens raskeste parti ble spanjolen kastet av sykkelen. Han landet stygt på venstre skulder. Noe som førte til brudd på venstre kragebein.
Etter undersøkelser vil han bli fløyet til Barcelona for operasjon.
Det er forløpig ikke klart hvor mange runder Lorenzo må stå over. Men det passer nok særs dårlig at det er to løp (tre, inkludert Assen) igjen før ferieoppholdet.
Med kun to uker til Sachsenring, og Laguna Seca en uke senere, haster det.
Jorge Lorenzo har vist imponerende form i det siste, og mange mente nok det kun var et tidsspørmål før han overtok ledelsen fra Pedrosa. De 7 poengene som skiller dem nå, virket jo greit overkommelig når man ser på de siste løpene.
Her er pressemelding fra Yamaha Racing :
Despite being the fastest rider in the first day of practice today, the Assen TT proved again to be a disaster for the third year running for current World Champion Jorge Lorenzo. The Mallorcan had dominated the morning dry session and had shown an impressive pace in the afternoon’s wet practice until a huge high side at the fastest corner of the track. The first diagnosis is a left clavicle fracture which will require surgery. As a result the title challenger will miss Saturday’s Dutch Grand Prix.
“Unfortunately we didn’t start the practice in Assen as we wanted. Jorge, after an incredible free practice one, had a crash in the wet in the afternoon and he broke his collarbone. This is a real pity as we were coming from two brilliant results and looking for a third. We have to accept this, it is part of our sport. We wish him the best to come back as soon as possible and stronger than before. Vale did two good practices, it seems the feeling he was looking for in the front is back. Fortunately we had the opportunity to test in Barcelona and in Aragon to find it. Let’s see tomorrow what we can do. Here it is very difficult to predict the weather forecast but we are ready whatever the circumstances.” – Massimo Meregalli – Yamaha Factory Racing Team Director
“Jorge has a high inertia trauma but results are normal from initial neurological examination. We will move to Assen to make head and chest scans and also an abdominal exploration. Our first diagnosis revealed that there is a left clavicle fracture with a slight shift that will need surgery to repair the bone. This injury is in the background while we rule out any other major injury that may become apparent within 24 hours. These kind of impacts at more than 200 km/h need some time for the body to recover to be able to discard any other major injuries. In principle tomorrow he can travel and within 48 hours he will be operable.” – Dr. Xavier Mir – Chief of Hand Surgery at the Dexeus Hospital (Barcelona) and MotoGP Team Medical Doctor